Imports of Christmas Product

As many of you know,The USA,this wonderful country of ours, has mostly given up making decorative Christmas items. We import our lights and ornaments, glass and otherwise, plastic and non plastics artificial Christmas Trees as well as fresh Douglas Firs and the various tree lights mini and otherwise.Near and dear to our heart are Nativity Sets which are also imported.

Most of these Christmas imports come from China, but, given the increasing difficulty in doing business in and with China, importers  have been moving farther afield, primarily to the Philippines and Vietnam. We also bring in Christmas articles from Canada, The UK and Italy.

Given the impact of this Great Recession on all parts of our economy, it is not surprising to find that volumes of Christmas imports are down significantly in 2009 when compared to 2007. Most categories of Christmas imports are down between 40 and 50%

The Great Recession as impacted many established importers negatively. They have lost long established factory relationships, had factories close down or go bankrupt, change product mix to exclude Christmas product oe the importer has lost their bank lines used for funding of import container-loads of product.

As a retailer, albeit an internet retailer, we have reacted by establishing direct factory relationships with smaller factories in China, the Philippines and elsewhere. We are designing our own add and stand alone Christmas items with these factories to put our own distinct look on the traditional Christmas outdoor displays. This looks like a good strategy for us. Time and the market will tell.

A New Story from Brian “Fox” Ellis

We are thrilled to feature a new story from the famed storyteller Brian “Fox” Ellis from FoxTales International FoxTales We hope you enjoy it.


(Or, Why are snowmen part of the holiday celebration even in the south?)

“Mommy, Mommy, please tell us about the snow.”

“Please, please, please,” a chorus of swimsuit clad children were pleading with their mother as they took a break from swimming on this unusually warm, sunny day in December on Miami Beach.

“You see, I was born in New Jersey,” she began for the hundredth time, “and what I loved most about the winter was the snow, soft, deep and fluffy or the thick clouds of howling, blowing blizzards of snow, I just loved snow.”

“When will it snow here, mommy? Why don’t it snow here?” were Charlie’s constant questions.

His older sister Sarah answered, “cause it’s too warm here, the snow would melt, silly! Shush.”

Mother continued, “When I was a little girl, not much bigger than you, I remember school being cancelled because of the deep snow. I remember being so excited to spend the day playing in the snow with all of my friends!”

“We would all bundle up in layers and layers of clothes, long underwear, two or three shirts, a sweater, a jacket, a coat, mittens, boots and a hat. We wore so many clothes it was hard to walk. We would all meet at the park down the street. My brothers would go off with the older boys and build a big fort for a rowdy, wet and cold snow ball fight.

“One of the older girls would line us all up and make sure we all stepped in the same footsteps, so 30 kids left only one set of tracks. When she gave the signal, we would all fall down on our backside and move our arms and legs just so… this was not just any old snow angel, no way, by working together we could make a whole choir of angels, a heavenly host singing hallelujah!”

“But my favorite part of winter was making a snow man. When all of us kids worked together, the bigger kids making humongous snowballs, the middle sized kids making medium sized snowballs and the little kids making heads, we could make a whole family of snowmen, snow women and once we even tried to carve a snow dog!”

The kids laughed. The mother was lost in moment of nostalgia, remembering those warm feelings on that coldest of days.

The kids ran off towards the surf. As the youngest boy lay down, he moved his arms and legs just so, making a sand angel. Mother smiled. An idea flashed across her imagination.

On the way home she bought a bag of ice. While the kids were showering and changing, she shaved the ice in the icy maker, forming it into large and smaller snowballs. By the time the kids came back down stairs, there was an entire family of snowmen, snowwomen and even a snow dog sitting in bowls on the kitchen table. The kids laughed and clapped as mother coated them in flavored syrup and everyone ate their own icy snow man.

The oldest daughter Sarah had the biggest Cheshire grin, but said nothing. She knew what lay under the tree wrapped in glittery ribbons and bows.

On Christmas morning, when mother opened her present and first saw a picture of herself as a little girl bundled up in many layers, standing next to a giant family of snowmen, she had a puzzled look on her face. She folded back the tissue paper and saw a beautiful glittering snow man and her heart melted.

“Momma, I got you a snowman that will never melt!”

How many Christmases had passed since that first snowman?

“And so you see, that is why we have snowmen for Christmas, even in the south. That momma, that was your grandmother; that boy, Charlie, was your Uncle Chuck; and that older sister, Sarah, that was me. My grandma sent me the picture of my mother from her snowy childhood in New Jersey.”

As the children sat quietly, snuggling with their mother, they knew they had seen beautiful crystal snowmen, wooden carved snowmen, even plastic snowmen that danced and sang with brightly colored lights, but they had never seen a real snowman.

Their eyes were drawn to the shelf in the corner above the Christmas tree, loaded down with snowmen of all sizes. There were tall snowmen standing under the tree, and several snowmen hung as ornaments upon the tree. The children now knew why their mother loved them so, and wondered, because of the snowmen they had seen at their friends’ houses, how many of their friends longed for the cold bite of snow upon their cheeks.

Dedicated to Trisha Shabet, whose grandchildren still make snowmen for her every winter!

© Brian “Fox” Ellis –

Interesting Times

It’s an often quoted cliche that there is a Chinese curse which says “May you live in interesting times”. Nevertheless, each new development in the market, email from supplier or service provider, rumor of supplier bankruptcy, price increase, price decline or shortage brings that thought to mind.

Recent letters from our logistics company warn of severe shortages of containers from Asia and dramatic increases in container costs to “make up for” shipping company losses over the last few years. As if these shipping companies didn’t have themselves to blame by adding far too much capacity during the boom times and not wanting to bite the bullet when prices continued to fall. What do they think will happen to all that capacity when times get better and shipping volumes increase? These surcharges may not even last very long after the end of Chinese New Year.

With many Chinese factories closing down or moving to more profitable or higher tech products,there will be more business for factories in other Asian and Pacfic countries such as the Philippines. There will also be more new and inexperienced Chinese factories entering the market without the technical skills or Chinese government subsidies which the older factories enjoyed and product quality could suffer.

The traditional and dominant American/Chinese import company, which designed or specified product in conjunction with several factories, used US trade shows to find out what the market wanted and then imported large quantities of goods to warehouse in the US, is giving way to smaller importers who sell direct to commercial users and consumers, often using only the internet for product offerings. The demise of the trading company Pacific Rim a few years ago, began this trend.

More about this in a later blog. So far it’s fun as well as “interesting”

We’re Back!

Well here we are starting all over again in a new year. We have had a long hiatus imposed by great website business in November and December and by our attendance at the annual buying show at the Americasmart Gift Show in Atlanta (more about that).

We were pleased and gratified that many of our previous customer returned to add to their Nativity sets, buy new sets or purchase new non religious Christmas figures. Many new people found our website, purchased  Nativities or other figures and became part of our customer”family”.As a result, and despite a difficult retail environment, we saw a small increase in sales in 2009.

Many of our customers have been contributing product reviews to help other visitors make a decision. We plan to add a Facebook page to the site so our friends can share their photos and experiences and we may add Twitter to stay in closer touch regarding new product arrivals, promotions and stock limitations, among other things.

The Atlanta Gift Show underlined the many changes in the industry, as several suppliers had changed or lost factories, had new partners or had discontinued lines. We were able to find several new suppliers and identify new product opportunities for our website which we will feature in the coming months.

We are excited about the new products and suppliers we have found and we will share these with you at the first opportunity. We also plan to add “About Us” to the website so you know what our vision, mission and credo are as well as hear from Claire, our company president.

Another Security Idea for your Nativity Set

I had a nice chat with a gentleman from Texas, who shared with me a neat method of securing outdoor Nativity figures to guard against theft, vandalism and toppling over in the wind. He said he got the idea originally from his mother in law or perhaps his father in law, in that it came through his wife who got it from her family.

Living in a windy area, they like to tether or secure any figures they display outside and this method seems to do the trick. It calls  for measured lengths of gas pipe, which is about one half to one inch in diameter along with the pipe brackets used to secure the pipe to a wall or ceiling. Usually, these are attached to a surface with short screws. What he does is measure and cut the pipe to the length needed for short or tall figures and for one or two attachments. He then drives the appropriate pipe into the ground deep enough to be firmly secure and then attaches the pipe to the figure with the screws and pipe brackets.

If he is setting up a 2D wood figure Nativity set, this is easy because he has flat surfaces to attach to. When using this method with three dimensional  filled resin or fiberglass figures you must be careful to find a nearly flat surface, use short screws and proceed slowly so not to crack the statue material. This method may not work for statues with thin sections and many compound curves. Use you own judgment and be cautious. It’s not worth destroying a figure to protect it. We have discussed other, non invasive methods in this blog.

A New Story from Brian “Fox” Ellis

From time to time we are honored with a Christmas related story from the famous raconteur and children  story teller Brian “Fox” Ellis of Fox Tales International. Brian has taken time out from his busy schedule of movie making, musical theatre  production and live performances to write several of his intriguing and entertaining stories for us. The first one is entitled:

Dancing Toy Soldiers, Wrestling Ballerinas and A Nutcracker

The ballet company’s annual production of “The Nutcracker” is a ritual for many families with young children. Every little girl dreams of dancing with the sugar plum fairy. It is the one time a year when everyone and their mother dresses up for a night at the ballet. Everyone wants to see their niece, granddaughter, or little sister in their glorious moment.

My daughter danced as one of the little mice who fought the toy soldiers in a ferocious mock battle. The choreography was thrilling. The audience gasped, held their breaths and let out a palpable sigh when things turned south for the mouse king. In graceful pirouettes the mice wrestled the toy soldiers and everyone applauded. My daughter crowned the Nutcracker with her sword and sent him reeling. Everyone laughed, except the Nutcracker.

For one night we can imagine a cornucopia of candied confections twirling and leaping, exotic treats prancing and dancing on stage. The whole production takes the Victorian idea of ‘visions of sugar plums danced in their head’ to a sweeter level of fancy.

The nutcracker is the prized toy, gallant in his uniform, firm in his self confidence, and the one who cracks the hardest shells so you can get at the goodness inside. He leads an army of toy soldiers to protect the confections from the wicked mice.

At the cast party after the show my daughter won a door prize, a three foot tall nutcracker, nearly as tall as she was! She beamed as she struggled to take it out to the car after the late night wound down. I placed it on the hearth of our fire place, next to the Christmas tree, next to the little table where we would place Santa’s cookies. We all went to bed.

When I woke up the next morning, the Nutcracker had moved. It was over near the back door. The doggy door looked askew. I peered through the frosty glass. There were a wide variety of fresh tracks in the new fallen snow, tracks large and small, some like feet, or should I say boots, and others looked like paws, mostly little tiny paws, but one set was huge. There were also more than a few indistinct wet footprints inside on the rug.

Did the mouse king track down the Nutcracker for round two? Did the Nutcracker beat back another attack on the sweetest confections and exotic treats? What happened last night as visions of sugarplums danced in our heads?

As I placed the Nutcracker back over by the fire place he looked a little disheveled, but there was a hint of a smile painted on his stern face I had not noticed before. As I turned to walk into the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, I thought I heard that song, that unforgettable melody of Tchaikovsky’s most famous waltz whistling in my head. I turned to see where it was coming from. Just then a gust of wind lifted the doggy door. A flurry of snow blew in on the rug, wiping clean the footprints inside and out. This could not all be in my head, but now there was no proof. No one would believe me… it was only the wind I tried to convince myself, it was only the of a smile Tchaikovsky whistling wind…

Our Nutcracker still shows the faintest hint of a smile.

Trends in Outdoor Christmas Decorating

This is the time of year when we get very busy. Right now, we are answering many quote requests from commercial Christmas decorators and installers. Maybe it’s the economy, but it seems to me that there is less large out door Christmas product available, while demand has only declined a little. Our new “Larger than Life Size Nativity” set is about to sell out and we have already sold out of many versions of Toy Soldier and Nutcracker. With typhoons and tropical storms in the Pacific, timely replenishment for these figures is pretty much ruled out.

One really interesting development from a supplier is the substitution of LED bulbs for incandescent on consumer Christmas Light displays. The LED bulbs have been offered as an alternative on commercial Christmas Light Displays for a few years now. They offer a quite different look, less heat and energy use and long life compared to the incandescent light. The lighting in our homes is changing, why shouldn’t our Christmas decorations?

We are certainly seeing the impact of job losses and the reduced economy on Church giving. Many of our Nativity sets are purchased by church congregations, usually led by a parishioner who provides the leadership and often the lion’s share of the money needed to purchase the set. This year, the process is more democratic and more people are participating but it is more difficult to get people to provide money, not a surprise.

More on Fund Raising

We recently wrote about several different approaches to raising small capital funds  from church members to purchase a beautiful new Nativity scene. These programs included presentation packages of large color photos and information for the buying committee, a “Christmas in July” party with a Christmas tree decorated with pictures of the individual Nativity figures with their purchase price written on the back and a silent auction gathering again with the opportunity for members of the congregation to buy individual  pieces to complete the set. All of these methods have  worked  effectively for our customers who have reported them to me.

A recent program involved a few more steps, but was equally successful. The decision makers group decided what Nativity set they wanted asked us for the shipping cost and several full color 81/2×11 photos of the set, then sent out letters to all parishioners, describing the set, spelling out how many donations of a certain minimum amount they would need and inviting people to commit the following Sunday at church, with sign up sheet beside the large photos of the set. They were over subscribed!.

Between, bake sales, cookbook sales, raffles and many other ideas, most churches are very innovative in raising money for capital items. We offer to help any way we can.

Blogging-A Learning Experience

We started a blog to share some of our business experiences and customer stories and, because we were told by the marketing gurus that it would help the visibility of our website on Google, Yahoo, etc. What they neglected to mention is all the new programs, technical terms and problems that have to be learned and solved. We were set up with a very bare bones blog package to be hosted on the same server as our website. In fact, one expert who looked at it, compared it to renting an office in a modern high rise office building and the finding that there were no walls, floor or ceiling and no building security.

The first problem was spam. We have a very effective spam block on our basic website, but, somehow, this never was applied to our blog. We then became the target for so called “comments” from automated eastern European programs generating hundreds of paragraphs of gobbledegook all containing links to counterfeit prescription drugs, pornography or attack websites full of viruses. We now have a spam blocker, which seems to be working

The second discovery was the “link building through blog comments” business. We are able to hold all comments to the blog for inspection and approval. This prevents the automatic posting of spam or offensive comments, but it means that we still need to screen all comments that are not excluded by the spam blockers. The trick is to separate genuine comments and suggestions from the link building efforts of such sites as “” or “”. The temptation is to leave them as comments because they might help our back links and visibility, but we are not sure.

The third issue was one  we anticipated, which is the tyranny of a weekly of twice weekly post while trying to manage the real value added parts of the business such a marketing, sales and cost control. I must admit this gets easier as we just now write about whatever interesting has just happened to us and our wonderful customers.

Help with Church Fund Raising

We have shared stories of successful fund raising by churches who wish to purchase capital items, such as  Nativity sets. In discussion with committee heads, church deacons and members of the Knights of Columbus, the question arose, what more could Christmas Night do to facilitate the process. We now offer a presentation package of full color 81/2×11 inch photos with shipping costs and product specifications, assembled  in an attractive folder. This package can be passed around to committee members for discussion and the photos are larger than what can be presented on the internet computer screen. We send many of these packages  out each week and they seem to be well received.

We were asked if there was any way we could use our website shopping basket and other online tools to help churches with this fund raising. We think the way to go is using the “gift certificate” tool to allow church members to contribute easily to the set chosen by the decision makers. An email letter, with photo, could be sent to all parishioners announcing the choice and offering them the option of mailing a check to the church or visiting our website and purchasing a gift certificate for the set while referring to the church customer code. We could provide an email template for the church to use in communicating with their email list or we could do it for them. The purchase of certain sets could result in a discount through the use of matching. For example, on certain sets Christmas Night could offer a $100 contribution for every $1000 of gift certificates purchased.

As you can tell, this idea is still in the formative stages and we would like to solicit suggestions and comments from our readers and website visitors.